BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

An activist against mining holdings in Honduras is killed

  • Oqueli Domínguez was killed on the morning of June 15 at his mother's house. He was killed in January by Ali Domínguez and Reynaldo Domínguez, brother of the Tocoa Commission for the Defence of Public and Commons.

20 June 2023 - 08:54
Last updated: 12:16
Oqueli Domínguez. Argazkia: PBI Canada.

Guapinol Resiste denounces the murder of Oqueli Domínguez. It happened after hundreds of workers were dismissed by the Emco Group company Los Pinares. The company is interested in mining operations in the Guapinol River and the Carlos Escalona National Park, generating important conflicts with the resident communities.

The company has caused serious damage to both the environment and the community, causing strong repression. In addition to the murdered defenders, eight activists have been imprisoned for more than two years and other activists have received threats of exile.

Association A Planeta has stated that “the government is obliged to protect those leaders in mortal danger and to conduct an immediate and effective investigation of these crimes”, in order not to promote further violence and repression.



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