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Udalbiltza edits the collective book of stories ‘The Jewel of Ten’

  • Udalbiltza has been hosting the Geuretik Sortuak creativity scholarship since 2021. On this occasion, they have presented in San Sebastian the book of stories Hamarreko arria, of literature.

20 February 2024 - 12:30
22 sortzaile eta 39 herri elkartu dituzte. / Argazkia: Udalbiltza

The aim is to cross villages, creators and scholarships Sortuak de Udalbiltza. On Monday, February 19, the literary works of the second edition of this scholarship, known as the jewel Hamarreko, have been presented.

The director of Udalbiltza, Clara Rouget, points out that the scholarship was created to give “impulse and place” to the creation in Euskal Herria. The second edition has been “fruitful”, added Maria Oses, a cultural technique of Udalbiltza.

Jon Abril, Maite Aizpurua, Saioa Alkaiza, Maddi Arocena, Lutxo Egia, Idoia Etxeberria, Edorta Jimenez, Maitane Pérez, Gaizka Sarasola and Ainhoa Urien were the authors of the book, and Axainara Azpiazpi, the book.



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