The Prosecutor’s Office requests the defendant fourteen years in prison and ten years of special disqualification for travel to the place where the victim resides. The particular accusation, for its part, has called for a sentence of eighteen years in prison and for compensation of EUR 150,000 for the moral and social damage caused. The trial, which will last three days, was first held on 14 January.
Mario López has arrived at the court after 08:30 hours, and the whole trial will be held in camera to preserve the identity of the woman, at the request of the complainant. Furthermore, neither the victim nor the defendant will be seen in the trial, which will be held at the National Hearing. The final report will also be presented behind closed doors. The particular accusation has explained that an explicit reference is made to the facts, to the testimonies and to the identity of the victim, so that the door is closed to the media.
"Authorised Contacts" to a child
However, information on what happened in the courtroom of the trial has been published today. According to the newspaper Naiz quoting sources from EiTB, López's defense has assured that the former coach had "authorized contacts" with the complainant, who has refused to be convicted. At that time, the 13-year-old victim was in an unknown location. The former Gernika coach has been tried for a continued crime of sexual abuse committed between 1998 and 2001, according to police sources. The woman has reported that the events occurred more than 50 times and that sexual assault was not successful. The 31-year-old defendant and the complainant, 13, have been arrested. In 2023, the victim reported that Mario Lopez continued to be a coach of the team.
"We're with you"
According to EiTB, a member of the Gernika Feminist Network has stated that the victim deserves to be thrown away by the people on a "so important and vulnerable" day. In the face of “holes in justice”, they wanted to show their popular support for violence against women. Arlett Apraiz, a member of the network, made statements on Naiz radio: "We see that the current judicial system is victimizing the victims again, and that it is necessary to be with them and with them. Our message is clear: We believe you and we are with you.
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