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Year and yes

  • This year, yes. At home. At Bedaio's friends' house last year. Apples (Malus domestica) are when claimed or rejected. Cook: "Yes! "No!"... and better. He has life or death and he creates life. It has Bizilege.

18 September 2023 - 05:00

Apples are a year. Not everyone, especially those who are slow to get the grain, that is, from September. And by the end of May, by the beginning of June at the latest, they decide whether or not they will give the apple the following year. At that time the flower has germinated and those who have had an adequate pollination have started growing cooked apple beans. The seeds inside the grain are also on their way and apples must form certain hormones. It will produce more or less hormone depending on the number of specimens the tree has on it. That's the key.

If you need a lot of hormone, it is indicative that it provides many specimens. If it is shaped with few hormones, light only provides a few specimens. If you have a lot of apple, the effort until fall to bring these apples will be huge, and whoever has them and doesn't recover them as much grain as there is seed. It will waste the energies generated in form and those accumulated in reserves. Fall and winter will run out in the neck area, not even to breathe lightly. Knowing this, they agree that in the months of May and June there will be an estimate or not of the following year. They have taken the decision this year: as in our case apples are curved, they will not be given the following year. In the apples of Bedaio's friends, yes, the apples are only with a few specimens, they decide to donate them.

For people who live from the apple it is not a nice dress. With pruning, with the grinding of the specimens before the end of May, etc., they try to unravel the capacity of the apple to decide, but it is not easy.

Not all apples cook the same, they don't need it. For example, early morning apples, sanjoan apples and early morning apples have the specimen mature in July and will have three or four months to recover and recover it. It shall be delivered annually.

On the one hand, decision-making. Unlike us, they know what they are going to do next May. And the other is that the decisions they make do.

To more clearly explain our disability, the question is where and how do they get that decision for a year?

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