The comparison of giants and heads from the Donostiarra neighborhood of Gros will feature a kalejira and a dance enlivened by the presentation of books organized by ARGIA this Friday: A great adventure. The authors Gorka Bereziartua and Adur Larrea present the kalejira Salba dezagun, which can be followed in ETB1 and
The comparison of Gros will be ready on November 8, at 17:00, in the Biteri square of the neighborhood. From there, passing through Plaza Cataluña, Calle San Francisco and Segundo Izpizua, the giants and heads will make a pasacalles to the Plaza del Chofre, where there will also be dance and party in the final point.
For a while, around 17:45 a.m., journalist and writer Gorka Bereziartua and illustrator Adur Larrea will present the children's story recently published by ARGIA. With the words of one and the drawings of the other, we hope that the event will be a pleasure for children and adults.
Of course, A great adventure. The book Salba dezagun kalejira will be available in it and those who are encouraged to buy (or have already bought it and take the book to act) will be able to bring home the copy signed and drawn by the authors themselves.
Giants, children's crew, a bird… and a lot of magic
Gorka Bereziartua and Adur Larrea have narrated the story of Alajaineta, but this year nobody can dance giants on the street, thanks to Izar, Ainubi and Etxahun to get wonderful things that they are able to get, with the help of Kukutturlio's pet.
Read the interview with the authors: "We've tried to open the door a little bit to try new things."
To buy the book, enter the ARGIA Fair.
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