BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Garoña will be shot down by the public company after 40 years of exploitation by Iberdrola and Endesa

  • The ownership of the facility has been entrusted to the public company Enresa of the Government of Spain, which has planned a total expenditure of EUR 475 million for demolition work. Araba Garoña Gabe denounces that the benefits of 40 years have been private and that the expenses have been public.

18 July 2023 - 09:15
Last updated: 11:41
Santa Maria de Garoñako (Burgos, Espainia) zentral nuklearra

The Spanish Government’s Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has authorised the demolition of Garoña on Monday. At the same time, ownership of the facility has moved from Nuclenor (Iberdrola and Endesa) to that of the public company Enresa.

As published by Berria, Araba Garoña Gabe spoke critically about this platform: “The transfer of ownership implies, in short, that the dismantling works of the plant are paid out of everyone’s pocket, that is, from public budgets, and not from the 40 years’ profits perceived by Iberdrola and Endesa.”

Risk still

The platform has explained that waste management will continue for hundreds of years. In addition, the fuel will move to a warehouse built for this, so Nuclenor denounces that he will leave the “nuclear graveyard”. That is, he stresses that the “radiological contamination” that the cemetery can bring can be dangerous.

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The Spanish Government authorizes the demolition of Garoña
The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has authorized the demolition of the nuclear census. This has allowed the ownership of the facility to be left to the public company of Enresa.

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