On Tuesday at noon he reports that the Ertzaintza has detained two men in the last few hours, one of 28 years in Tolosa and another of 37 in Ibarra. They are accused of three sexual assaults.
A 28-year-old man was arrested in Tolosa on Sunday night before midnight. She attacked two women, one of them minors. He also threatened them with a knife, according to the Ertzaintza.
The 37-year-old man attacked a young woman in Ibarra from Monday to Tuesday.
The two men will pass before the judge in the next few hours.
The case of Mazan is mentioned in the French media: a woman drowned with sleeping pills by her husband to put her between the legs of other men to be raped. That for ten years and three numbers: 92 violations (at least), 72 men and 51 trial violators. Gisèle Pélicot, 72, did... [+]
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