At the end of the week several sexual assaults have been recorded in Tudela, Ondarroa, Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián, among others. A 30-year-old man has been arrested in Tudela on charges of gender-based violence for assaulting his 23-year-old partner, according to the local police of the municipality, according to Europa Press. The man, who has been transferred to Foral Police units, has been arrested until he has been placed at the disposal of the judiciary.
At a health centre in Ondarroa, the Ertzaintza has arrested a 31-year-old man accused of touching a coworker. “The victim has rejected the aggressor’s suggestions and made touches on the chest and buttocks,” the Ertzaintza said on the website. The event occurred at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, when the woman left and filed a complaint at the Ondarroa police station. An Ertzaintza patrol has moved to the health center after knowing what happened and the man has been transferred to the police station “to carry out the necessary actions”.
Juan Mari Aburto has declared in Euskadi Irratia that on the second day of Bilbao festivities fifteen people have been arrested, two of them accused of machista violence, according to Berria.
A 20-year-old man has been arrested in Donostia-San Sebastian on charges of sexually assaulting a woman in the downtown nightclub area. The arrest occurred at 05:10 a.m., according to the Ertzaintza website, and "after informing the Ertzaintza that a man had jumped and played at a nightclub". He is charged with a crime of sexual assault and robbery, as “he also stole the victim’s wallet.” The man was found in a street near the nightclub where he traveled with his family. The young person has been transferred to police units "to carry out the necessary formalities", so it has been made available to the courts.
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