South Korea is a country where images of sexual content are being disseminated through artificial intelligence. They use images of young women and broadcast them through Telegram. They've already reached 70 percent of schools. South Korean feminists have denounced what has happened and on 1 September, through social media, a campaign will be launched for the government to take action. “Korean men have created numerous Telegram groups to share the personal information of women around them,” they have denounced.
Image creators are teenagers and young people about 20 years old. In total, it is estimated that around 220,000 members of the French subsidiary. To enter the groups it is necessary to share photographs of girls or women around them, such as classmates, teachers or family members. Many of the people who appear in them are young girls and boys. For this reason, feminists have elaborated and disseminated the list of centers that have such groups. So girls can see if they show up in those groups.
The creators of the images are adolescents and young people of about 20 years of age, in total about 220,000 members. To enter the groups must share photos of girls or women in the area
Although these sexual crimes have been denounced in the media, feminists have stated that only women are concerned about the aggressions: “Because the victims are girls, nobody cares.” They have denounced that this is a matter coming from 2021, but the government has not taken any action on it. In the absence of a response from the Government, the situation in English has begun to be publicized. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has announced that his country will investigate in depth the reported digital sexual crimes.
Aggressors against feminists
Until the Government takes action, they have created three traffickers for the mass campaign: #DigitalSexMessenger_in_Schools ; #Trailers_the_Deepfake_Perpetrators and #SouthKorea _expels_criminals. In addition, the case can be followed in the account of the Korean feminist @dvu84djp on platform X.
The person using the account has stated through social media that he has felt the need to protect himself because he has been attacked for denouncing attacks: “I am suffering the insults and accusations of the men of Korea, because they say that I am destroying the honor of the men of Korea. They’re also looking for my location.”
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