On October 10, the National Police arrested three people accused of labor exploitation and sexual assault in a bar in the Getxotarra neighborhood of Las Arenas.
The owner of this property has been charged with sexually assaulting women for touching their servers and making sex offers. To denounce this, the LAB trade union concentrated on 11 October and the Itzubaltzeta Feminist Group (ITF) joined the call.
The arrests have been due to the reports of six women who had no permission to reside and work in the Basque Country and who, as explained, the owner of the premises had no employment contract with him. Thus, they were not discharged from the Social Security system.
As explained to the researchers, they were offered to work six days a week and ten hours a day, in exchange for 1,000 euros a month. However, when they started working, they found it because they could not rest full-time, they had to go to work even if they were sick and their salary was 20 euros a day.
In addition, the victims reported that they were working in the bar and that the owner played them and asked for sexual intercourse; in return, he let them sleep in another place he has in the municipality or helped them to bring his family and friends abroad.
The police investigation has corroborated the victims’ statements and concluded that the three people under investigation were starting people who had been in an irregular situation since 2018.
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