The Navarre punk band Lendakaris dead has reported that guitarist Ivan Carmona will cease to belong to the band while investigating a suspected crime of sexual assault to a minor.
In their social networks, the group explained that Carmona would not continue in the band "until the process is over and what happened is clarified". It is a complaint filed in 2023 for touching a young woman in a bar and is being investigated by the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Pamplona/Iruña.
In a statement posted on social media, members of Lendakaris Muertos said they were informed on Monday of the indictment against Carmona. They have stated that this is a "mild sexual assault" and have assured that "from today" it will not be part of the group "until the facts are clarified". According to the statement, the decision was taken "unanimously" and it does not recognize "any abusive behaviour" by the members of the group. On Wednesday morning the group deleted the communiqué from its Instagram account.
The statement has generated many responses among the group’s followers, who have participated in the presentation. Many of them have criticised the group for calling the message "slight aggression" in it.
Dead Lendakaris was born in Pamplona/Iruña in 2004 and its essence is to mix humor and social criticism through punk music. They have two live recorded albums and seven other studio recordings. Ivan Carmona joined the group in 2022, after being part of the Guilty Brigade group from Pamplona/Iruña.
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