BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Two-day camp in San Sebastian to denounce the housing "business"

  • Organized by the textile movement, it will take place on 23 and 24 September in the Sert square of the Old Quarter. Under the motto "From house to house, from life, the Basque republic is the key" various activities have been organized.
Ehun-ek agerraldia egin du Donostiako Sert plazan, kanpaldiaren berri emateko. (Argazkia: Ehun)

19 September 2023 - 08:06
Last updated: 11:14

The centenary movement will camp in San Sebastian on September 23 and 24 to denounce that in capitalism housing is not a "right" but a "business". Under the motto "From life to life, the key is the Basque republic" they have organized a broad programme.

Camping in the Sert square of the Old Quarter. In fact, the public administration has sold 522 social housing in this plaza to a vulture fund called Black Stone.

Ehun appeared this weekend in San Sebastian to make the camp known. He considers that housing is the "fundamental right to carry out any vital project", and yet we have normalized some housing problems: "Let those who have the least in the street by the force of the police, have to devote almost all the salary to renting and "have to go into the desert from our neighborhoods and towns, paying rent and mortgages", for example.

They point out that capitalism in Euskal Herria takes the form of the "78" regime and the "French jacobinism", and that these regimes are "the mechanism of passing the commons to a few", including housing. They denounce that in Spain and France housing is a "business" that cannot be changed. That is why the Basque republic has been considered the solution.

Round tables, demonstration and other

Various activities have been organised over the two days. On Saturday at 10:00 the space will open and at 11:30 a round table will be held with the housing unions of the Basque Country. A concert and a 20-minute bingo will then be offered and a demonstration at 18:00. At 20:00 a film from the San Sebastian Alternative Film Festival will be shown. A round table on tourism will be held on Sunday at 11:30, followed by a concert by singer Ghau.

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