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The City of Fear

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Vitoria, 31 March 1937. The Spanish fascists have brought out sixteen political prisoners bound in the hands of a city prison. He gets into the truck, takes him to the port of Azazazaceta and is shot there with total impunity. In Vitoria the parties have not protested because the parties are already out. The city is already plunged into the deep well of what will be Europe’s longest fascist dictatorship. Silence.

Vitoria, 31 March 2024. The few hours of Sunday, the autonomous police have beaten dozens of young socialists in front of the chambers. Blood, screams, broken bones. The serious police attack has injured 70 young people, five of whom have been treated in the hospital. The Vitoria parties have not protested, silence. As in the Spanish fascist dictatorship.

The police, who would like to successfully evict the uninhabited dwelling, would not work at that time, would take time and try to evict the young people who cannot afford to get married, to re-give the empty house to the powders and rats. However, the police, which aims to beat as many young people as possible, would do so within a few hours of Sunday. No doubt. The autonomous police are aware that young socialists, in peace but steadfast, can strike, strike and hurt without piety, supported by the silence of the parties, by Spanish justice, pen dogs and cowardly journalists.

As on 3 March 1976, Vitoria is the city of police impunity. On 3 March of this year, broken blood, shouting and bones were again produced. The autonomous police know that the memorial demonstration of the five workers killed by the Spanish Police can be attacked before the chambers, hurt and arrest the protesters, as no party will condemn the aggression, as the Spanish courts have not identified, tried and ordered the sanction.

In Vitoria, the police persecutes, attacks and injures racialized persons, teenagers, young socialists, teenagers or workers with impunity. Monitored by 600 police camcorders, is a permanent police operation

Let's open the city map. In Vitoria there are still three torture centres: police station in Olagibel Street, a Civil Guard house in the Sansomendi district and headquarters of the regional police in Arkaute. Even the only police who had been in these torture centres have not been arrested, and no police have received any measurable sanctions. The Spanish police of these three centres know that they can torture with impunity, as in the fascist dictatorship, because torture in Spain has no effect, because it is rewarded. They only have to say that the tortured has wounded himself, even if he has tortured him to death.

In Vitoria there are more policemen with impunity. I was warned by a member of my love, "The Municipal Police is like the Spanish Police." The Municipal Police is aware that it can beat a minor who goes on a scooter, as he will not be convicted by the parties or because, although temporarily, no one will take the aggressors out of the streets. Even though the police lie, the beating is filmed. The Municipal Police knows that you can enter the Gaztetxe and get the sound technician kicked out because the parties are not going to say anything.

Let us not forget the seat of the Spanish military government and the Araca headquarters, where the Spanish military continues with the white check for everything. They have only one mandate to repeat what they did 87 years ago with total impunity.

Last March, the Vitoria parties appeared before the City Hall, together with a representative of the military, police and uniform Spanish churches. The same black and white image before the people: the armed forces, the Church and politicians together, as in the Spanish fascist dictatorship.

In Vitoria, the police persecutes, attacks and injures racialized persons, teenagers, young socialists, teenagers or workers with impunity. Under the eyes of 600 police camcorders, Vitoria is the city of fear, a permanent police operation.

We citizens cannot continue without protection. Above all the police, building a Basque Republic that protects us all (then add all the -ists you want) is urgent. We have freedom.

Julen Mendizabal Elezkano

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

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