BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Barcelona housing union dirty paint to the participants of the real estate fair The District

  • From 20 to 22 September, over 10,000 international directors will meet in the capital of Barcelona. The trade unions denounce that Barcelona has become "the epicentre of evictions, gentrification and speculation".

21 September 2023 - 13:21
Last updated: 16:20
Etxebizitza sindikatuek salatu dute azokan inbertsio funtsen, bankuen eta bestelako espekulatzaileen ordezkariak elkartzen direla pentsatzeko "nola ito langile klasea". (Argazkia: Sindicat d'Habitatge de Vallcarca)

The District Real Estate Sector Fair is held in Barcelona from 20 to 22 September, which is being protested by some housing unions in the city. Among other things, participants have stained with paint. Over these three days, The District will bring together over 10,000 international managers.

One of the participants who got dirty is Jordi Moix, former vice president of economics for the football team Barcelona.

Housing unions have denounced that representatives of investment funds, banks and other speculators gather at the fair to think that "how to drown the working class, after being sent to their neighborhoods and the right to housing is violated". They highlight that Barcelona has become the "epicenter of evictions, gentrification and real estate speculation", the capital of the Spanish state with the most evictions.

This was the second edition of the fair. Last year they also did so in Barcelona, but it remains to be seen whether next year will be. Although official sources have not confirmed this, a participant in social networks has anticipated that next year it will be held in Madrid, Valencia or Málaga, "after the harassment of extreme left radicals" in the Catalan capital.

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