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ARGIA starts taking steps to reduce the ecological footprint in the production of books and magazines

  • ARGIA has partnered with the Institute of Eco-publishing in Catalonia, the only one in Europe, and is the first agent to take this step in Euskal Herria. From now on, you will measure the ecological footprint of your publications by means of a stamp. He has already eco-edited six books and will soon do the same with the magazine.

08 November 2023 - 08:54
Last updated: 10:10

ARGIA starts to eco-edit his books. Although sustainability and recycled paper are frequently mentioned in the editorial sector, do we know what has been the road we are reading before we reach our hands? This means of communication will clearly measure and express the ecological footprint of your books from now on by means of a stamp that will soon do the same for the magazine.

Although ARGIA has already used some tools to measure the ecological footprint of Baratze Bizi products, this time it has started working directly with the Institute of Eco-Edition of Catalonia and has partnered. The Institute of Eco-publishing was created in 2022 by publishers Pol·len and Comanegra, concerned about the pollution caused by book production.

A stamp has been put in place that has measured the life cycle of the book through a calculator: local production, certified paper, carbon footprint, ink, environmental impact of printing… All of this is monitored below. For more information you can read the Eco-edition report: how to reduce the contamination generated by the book.

The label has measured the life cycle of the book through a calculator: local production, certified paper, carbon footprint, ink, environmental impact of printing… All of this is subsequently inspected

One seal in Europe

The Catalan Institute is the only one that manages this seal in Europe and ARGIA is the first means of communication that has taken the step of becoming a partner in Euskal Herria, but the objective is to add more agents, as pointed out by the members of the institute.

ARGIA has already eco-edited six books published since September, available at the Feria de la web, and is working to do the same with the magazine. It is known that the ecological footprint cannot be completely eliminated – that is why it is important for readers to know the degree of contamination in the publication itself – but the aim is to make it as little as possible.

To carry the seal of the eco-edition, as it has been up to now, it will be essential to work in depth with the friends of the printing press Antza to this medium of communication and to carry out household tasks in each production to take measures that minimize the footprint, although this implies an extra economic cost for Antzari and ARGIA.

In order to make such initiatives possible, this draft communication has received a financial contribution from its community and from the thousands of citizens who are part of ARGIA and thanks for their support.

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