BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Gas station managers acknowledge that it is "impossible" to achieve the objectives of providing electric cars

  • Although 15% of cars are expected to be fully electric by 2030, Nacho Rabadam, president of the Spanish State Confederation of Gas Service Station Employers, stressed at a meeting in Pamplona that its supply will not be profitable.
Nafarroan 262 gasolina-zeerbitzugune daude, irudian Tuterakoa. Argazkia: Navarra Estaciones

13 September 2023 - 07:46
Last updated: 11:05

The media and policy makers around the world have stressed that the sale and use of electric cars are being favoured. Recently, Fatih Birol, leader of the International Energy Agency, announced that the global "demand summit" for oil will come soon, due to the growth of wind energy production and electric cars, an equation in which the peak has not included the peak of oil or crude supply, which experts have long said, namely in 2005.

So according to this theory, the electric car will be a key element in the decarbonisation of energy and in that transition. Today, however, electricity still accounts for only 5% of all cars in most countries, and it is expected that by 2030 it will be 15%.

However, we are seeing that this development has many limitations, not only as regards the waste of minerals and fossil energies needed to produce batteries or to obtain electricity. Logistics is also not guaranteed for the future, as charging points for electric cars remain unprofitable for gas station owners.

In a conference organized by the Association of Employers of Gas Stations of Navarra in Pamplona, the president of the Confederation of Business Service Stations of the Spanish State, Nacho Rabadam, acknowledged that it will be "impossible" to achieve the stated objectives, although this implies a "frustration" among the citizens.

The News Journal collects the words of Rabadam. It highlights the special profile of the client who goes to recharge his electric car, with a high purchasing power, "with an average car cost of 42,000 euros" and "environmentally responsible". However, this profile, barely present in the gas stations, is used only 4% of the total operating time of the public charging zones: "It's impossible to be profitable for a private business."

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