They once explained to me that the word spam means a very poor quality sausage that was made in the Anglo-Saxon villages of surplus pigs. The word may be known because it has a folder in the email that receives messages you don't want. This term was the first example I met to compare services and practices that are harmful to quality of life in digital environments with the chatter. I've worked a lot with people who are in a digital divide and, broadening the idea of spam, I can say that "malignant digitalisation" is part of their lives: email is filled with ads that can't tell what's important, app notifications compel them to look at all times, advertising invades that they don't know how to close their pop-ups screens... They are linked to a dynamic that affects their attention and forces.
A law was published in 2022: banning unauthorized commercial calls, spam calls. When we heard the news, we all imagined a world in which we would never again face the threat of commercial or fraudulent calls. But that has not been the case, even though the law is there, we citizens have to denounce calls to protect our rights. Aware of this problem, the Spanish Data Protection Agency has launched a complaint questionnaire, but it is the companies that we can report that have already approved a code of conduct, one hundred. What do you do with companies that are not there or that are swindling? The process gets complicated, we often don't know what they are, the only data we have to oppose them is a phone number. The issue is really complex and education is needed to empower vulnerable people, but it would not be wrong for those who fill the mouth of the need for innovation to seek more creative solutions to put limits on “digitalisation scrap”.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
The Israeli imperialist offensive has entered a new phase: bombings in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria; attacks on Iran; attempted invasion of Lebanon… The Zionists have achieved an old goal: Go beyond Palestine and turn the attack into a regional war.
The increase in the offensive... [+]
A single place name is sufficient to begin to cite the most serious case of violence against women that has occurred in recent times: In this testing village, a husband has chemically dominated his wife and has abandoned her for ten years to the sexuality of other men,... [+]
When we were young, we had a thousand games to play on a day-to-day basis. Some of us played running, some of us played with the ball, the dolls, the rubber or the words. There's a game where we played with words, I've realized it's going to be for life. We don't realize that we're... [+]
“Yes, that will be an assembly… or a joke made by someone… or something taken out of context…
“No, dear, here’s the video, listen to the interview.
- Oxtia, yes! – spinning around the eyes in the holes.
J. couldn't believe it. However, it is not incredible, it is... [+]
The BRICS+ group involves emerging productive economies or raw material suppliers. They want to build a fairer global governance, and that clashes with a West that wants to continue to govern and regulate international economic flows.
BRICS+ is not a trade bloc, but a club to... [+]
Many years ago, Dr. I knew the abuse chatbot, and I also realized the speed at which people can engage with these machines. Being social animals, the relationship is natural and necessary, and as the name 'relationship' says, it always leads to a response from the other. Receiving... [+]
A long weekend. We've turned around the environment and we've taken advantage of it to make the picoteo. Tourists making selfies. Routes for tourists, rentals, shops, hotels, parkings, menu dishes, sign signs in all languages of the world. Tourists turn the usual places into... [+]
I'm sick, able to stay away from home, with the doctor's leave, with the approval of those around me. I'm sick. I mean, my energy is the one I usually have when I come home at night, but all day long. And the body is a trap, once again, and I'm cage with hateful pride in a... [+] considers that Gish gallop (Gish's gallop) or the machine gun of fallacies "is a technique of controversy that attacks the opponent with as many arguments as possible, without taking into account the accuracy or solidity of those arguments" and would have as side... [+]
The origin of the term lies at the beginning of the nineteenth century. At that time, the imperialist pretensions of the British Liberals clashed with the Russians, which spread in Asia and hindered the desire for colonization of England. To protect its interests, England used... [+]
I was once in the burial of a friend's father. Our friend asked us to take a flower from the bouquets, if they wanted to. I can't say no to flowers, let alone roses, especially red flowers. So I took a beautiful red rose.
With the rose in my hand, I greeted the acquaintances of... [+]
An interesting round table was held on 15 October at the meetings of working economists. It was attended by employers, the National Social Security Institute and a trade union centre in Osakidetza. The topic of debate was the absenteeism that increasingly has an impact on the... [+]
Through the Wallapop app, I sold some mediocre loudspeakers before the summer. Maybe the product description was a little swollen, it's true. The shopper put me three out of five stars. It was clearly not worth it.
The next week, I drove from Irun to Bilbao to a man of my age,... [+]
A few days ago, the new French Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau, joined the so-called "migratory confusion", one of the most pressing issues. It has provided the prefects of the State with clear mandates: zero tolerance towards immigrants and structures and prisoners who show... [+]