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'Esperanza', underground fog

26 January 2023
'Esperantza' | Jokin Azpiazu, 'Olor' | Dê o fora discos, 2022
'Esperantza' | Jokin Azpiazu, 'Olor' | Dê o fora discos, 2022

The 1980s have never ended. And I'm not talking about revival. The 1980s have passed from generation to generation as an underground chain with outsiders prepared with fragrance of what punk was. Mainstream is null in the 1980s.

Jokin Azpiazu Carballo reappears based on the sounds and attitudes of 1980 under the name DOR. The hope work combines electronics with punk, although you can make a postpunk, industrial or other label soup. That's what they have, they flee from every cliché.

Pepper SCENT is the AMOS website. And that's the same Azpiazu, pure guindilla, constantly searching. It moves from slow, paused songs to faster, from many references and sources. This is recognized by John Akomfrah, ATR, Manuel Balmaseda, Bap! John Coltrane, Crosta, Experiènce, Julio Kageta, Nomeansno, Radio María, RIP, Ripcord, Shellac, and many more I do not remember. Look for your footprints on the album, they are there, if you are looking for it well.”

Buying and selling is the most vivid and dancing rhythm, with oriental rhythms, as if it were with the echoes of the old M.I.A. Deaths The work continues with the powerful except, awakening desire to scream about Azpiazu spoks word. Below is a version of the RIP, the collaboration of rapper Trusty and the great Polos and Peteneras in Alabama Maite Mursego.

In the noise of the revolution, the industrial hardcore exploits its its work at a faster pace: “Listen carefully, there is the noise of the Revolution, it is the same revolution.” It may not explode the most appropriate word, because Esperanza never explodes. It maintains tension without touching the top, it passes like a mist. Maybe because that's the hope of this time, a fog on the ground, waiting for our daily lives to be addressed.

The music industry is not the same as industrial music. The former generates waste with creativity, burning artists, rooms and territories. The second one does creativity with these same waste. Coming back through the slits, knowing that mainstream will never eat. Always a step forward and more abrupt. And quite elegant.

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