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Leachate coming to Zorroza at the limit

  • The Association of Neighbours of Bilbao has issued a communiqué on the intention to send the leachate from the incinerator of Gipuzkoa to Zorroza.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

30 January 2024 - 07:22

In recent days, various media outlets have announced that Gipuzkoa will send all the leachings from the incinerator to Zorroza as a result of the closure of a plant in Navarra. Among other things, the Federation of Neighbourhood Associations in Bilbao has issued a statement on this matter.

The agent recalls that the municipal air quality meter in this neighborhood has been broken since April 2023 and has not received any communication about the changes. In addition, families have not wished to mention that the air quality measurement space of San Inazio-Elorrieta, the property of the Basque Government, was eliminated in 2010, “although citizens asked to maintain the station”. Furthermore, they recall that the mobile station installed by the Basque Government in the same area was a banded station that has not yet been replaced.

In view of the above, and as a consequence of the situation described, they state the following: “Residents’ complaints about potentially polluting emissions, chemical discharges into the air and other nuisance are common.” For this reason, they have considered the acceptance of new waste in an area of the city as “recklessness and lack of responsibility”.

In this context, the City Council of Bilbao has been asked to repair “as soon as possible” the municipal meter of Zorroza, as well as to “urge the Basque Government to install a measuring station in San Inazio-Elorrieta”. Finally, they question the compatibility of this measure with the 2030 agenda objectives.

You are interested in the channel: Gipuzkoako erraustegia
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