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The seven-year prison was tortured by Turkish military and expelled from the helicopter to the Kurdish

  • In 2020, Turkish soldiers arrested farmers Osman Siban and Servet Turgut, reportedly tortured and expelled from the helicopter. Turgut died. Siban was seriously injured and is now convicted of "belonging to a terrorist organization".

12 April 2023 - 11:50
Last updated: 12:53
Osmaen Siban torturatu eta helikopterotik bota zutenean hematomaz beteriko argazki hauek zabaldu zituzten. Argazkia: Gazete Karinca.

Media Gazete Karinca explains that Osman Siban has not attended the hearing of the Mersin Second Criminal Court, but the lawyer has been present. The prosecutor asks for imprisonment for belonging to a terrorist organization.

The jury has first sentenced him to 9 years in prison. Then it reduces it to 7 years and 6 months. The decision includes a travel ban abroad.

They touched and allegedly expelled from the helicopter.

In 2020, the soldiers arrested the brothers Osman Siban, 50, and Servet Turgut, 55, both farmers, during a military operation in the village of Çatan in the province of Van. Both were introduced and forced into the helicopter. They reported that they were tortured and expelled from the helicopter. The Turkish Government denies what happened.

Turgut died or lived in the hospital for 20 days and finally died. Siban was seriously injured and was released days later.

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