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Nothing to celebrate on 12 October in ARGIA

2022an jaiegun izan zen irailaren 6a eta elkarretaratzea egin zuten Gasteizen, kolonialismoaren aurka. (Argazkia: ARGIA)

12 October 2023 - 10:42

On 12 October the beginning of the genocide of the indigenous peoples of America is celebrated, and in ARGIA we do not join the ideas behind that feast, because they do not represent our values. So today, Thursday, we're working. Lasarte-Oria’s headquarters are open and the web is feeding normally.

At ARGIA, we have been starting a work schedule based on our values for some time. On July 14 (National Day of France) and December 6 (Spanish Constitution Day) are also working days for us, and December 3 (Basque Day) has become an official holiday.

In addition to working, we believe that we must denounce what is behind these celebrations and give a new vision. On October 12, 2019, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of ARGIA, we organized in Donostia the “Decolonization Day”. Today, on the one hand, we recall the recent interview with Martín Rodrigo and Alharilla, professor of Catalan history, for the web (“Euskal Herria also stands out for the lack of memory policy on slavery”). On the other hand, we take advantage of the day to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and to denounce the occupation of Israel, which we are against the present colonialism and oppression of the past.

If you want to boost these kinds of independent calendars and projects, become a member of ARGIA!

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