Health Minister Fernando Medina reported on Friday on the measure to be applied to products. Thus, the government has reached an agreement with food distribution and production companies: the government is committed to reducing the taxation of basic necessities and, in return, businesses will have to impose a reduction on the consumer.
The list has been drawn up by the Ministry of Health and has focused on the best selling products in Portuguese supermarkets. The list of products without VAT includes bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, onion, tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, carrot, zucchini, leek, pumpkin, spinach, turnips, fruits, beans, chickens, peas, cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, chicken, olive oil, butter, eggs, among others.
EUR 30 per month
They will charge EUR 30 per month to more than one million families with scarce resources and social benefits. The Government believes that this aid can help three million economically vulnerable people. This aid shall be increased by EUR 15 for each child/family member.
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