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Ponsati does not go to his appointment in the Supreme Court

  • The judge had to notify the former Catalan counsellor related to the Proces case of the agreement to prosecute for a crime of disobedience. Ponsa argues that Monday was unable to appear because he has work in the European Parliament.

24 April 2023 - 12:35
Last updated: 14:36
Ponsati, martxoaren 28an Bartzelonara itzuli zenean. (Argazkia: EITB)

Carla Ponsati, a former Catalan councillor and a Member of the European Parliament, did not attend the Supreme Court meeting on Monday. In connection with the Proces case, Judge Llarena was required to notify the agreement to prosecute a crime of disobedience.

The Member of the European Parliament has stated in writing that the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the Committee on Economic Affairs of the European Parliament have today closed its sitting in Brussels, so it cannot be brought before the court. Today's day is "incompatible with any commitment hundreds of kilometres from Brussels".

On 28 March Ponsati returned to Barcelona after five years of exile. The Supreme Court had ordered his arrest. Judge Llarena decided to postpone the statement until Monday and annulled Ponsati's arrest warrant. The former counsellor returned to Brussels.

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