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Panpi Intzagarai

  • Silent, faithful and sweet like a lancer who moistens the surroundings without big thunder. The printer edited in the handbook of so many pastoralists had to kill the “sibastarras” on the eve of pastoral care. And the heart burst, it was also written in some stone of Uhaitz. Heart.
Argazkia: Panpi Intzagarairen familia.

02 August 2023 - 08:44
Last updated: 11:35

In the last days of July, friends approach the funeral home of Atharratz to see for the last time with bone flesh the same Panpi Intzagarai, who has built the company of his wife Mariseri and his hero has led with 68. He was in the room face-to-face, tactile, neither intermediate crystal nor other paraphernalia, as if he were lying, our old Panpili, on top of the ikurrina, the black ribbon and the sticker “Euskal Herria Antifaxista”. “There’s no tobacco to pick up the cigarette,” someone said, trying to swallow the bitter moment with such craving. Always panpili of Ozaz, with his beautiful mustache, with a Viking air. ARGIA we met in a remote 1981, in the old school of Ozaz, making the monthly magazine Egia with Allande Sokarros, Jon Errezarret and Jean-Pierre Duteuil, then converted into Abil, that the strict people on the left wanted to rent Zuberoa that had been declining some time ago. It was then shouted “work in the people, live in the people”. He would soon start working in the printing press with the small publisher Lantzer in Errezarret. At the Lasarte-Oria Antza cooperative, they recall Panpili’s visits and the pastoral books they have printed for many years, cross-border collaboration. In some of these work trips Aña appeared with her first woman, who died in a dramatic autobú accident s.Durante almost twenty years also exercised litigation in the town, from 1995 to 2014, since times when there were not many nationalist voters. In 1850 Ozaze-Zuhara had 471 inhabitants, reduced to 71 by 1982. Today it is 86, although none of them has been enough the dream and joy of banning a generous outlaw. When his death opens, in the last sergeant days of the manure threshold, people of all kinds have gathered together who dedicate themselves to the cultural efforts of Panpi Intzagarai, to the militant peasants, to the south and north well tested sasis, to the French pressed from the censuses such as Spain, to those who at some point have approached to Zuberoa in search of something very far away, to do the unknown What a productive generation.

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