BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Navarre Suma breaches the Basque Ordinance in his campaign against the bottle in Pamplona

  • The Administrative Tribunal has once again questioned Enrique Maia’s language policy, responding to an appeal submitted by EH Bildu.
Kanpainan erabilitako botila erraldoietako bat, Gaztelu Gibelean. Argazkia: Iruñeko Udala
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

25 May 2023 - 08:10

Last summer the campaign of Navarre Suma contra el botellón was also to be written in Basque, according to the ruling of the Administrative Court, approving the appeal of EH Bildu. For the Audience, the campaign violated the Basque Ordinance.

However, the Hearing does not consider that the campaign violates the Law on the Equality of Women and Men. EH Bildu in his appeal denounced that the Spanish text declined words as parents and neighbors only in males.

In this campaign against the alley, the municipal command group of Navarra Suma placed four giant bottles in other places of the city to support the text: Gaztelu Gibela, Yamagutxi Park, Taconera Park and Plaza de los Burgos. These texts were only translated into Spanish.

Articles 8 and 9 of the additional provision of the Ordinance of the Basque Country require the bilingualism of the City Hall, on the sides, edicts, posters and information boards, and article 9 adds that the posters will be bilingual in all elements and that the informative and propaganda leaflets of municipal activities will be bilingual when they are addressed to all citizens. In addition, Article 11 states that the publications of the City of Pamplona will be bilingual when they are of general interest and are aimed at the general population.

The Maia Municipal Command Group points out that these bottles are outside the scope of Articles 8 and 9 because they are advertising and not informative, and because they are also advertising outside the media, they do not fall within Articles 10 and 11.

However, according to the Administrative Court, this artificial difference between the advertising and the information that Navarre Suma makes to breach the ordinance is annulled in this case, as this campaign collects elements similar to a Bando vs. mere advertising. It also recalls that the High Court of Justice acknowledged at the time that the giant red scarf that was placed on the facade of the city council in the succinct of 2020 should also be written in Euskera, as it resembles a poster, so that the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of the Ordinance will apply. The same is true, according to the Administrative Tribunal, in this case, where the bottle is only a means or support to reflect a message or information. It's like a poster, and so I had to go bilingual.

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