BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They report that Amazon workers in the Valley of Trailers are in danger after the fall of the roof of the workplace

  • LAB and ELA say that this is not the first time the roof has fallen, and that it puts workers at risk. Amazon workers are still on strike.

04 January 2024 - 11:52
Last updated: 14:29

The roof of the Amazon Work Centre in Trapagaran (Bizkaia) fell on Tuesday and evacuated the workers. Therefore, they have not delivered throughout the day. But even though they've had the opportunity to go back to work, Amazon workers are on strike. About 125 workers have called for three days of protest, the first on the eve of Reyes' day. It is the second organized unemployment, since last December two days stopped to denounce the precarious conditions.

LAB and ELA stress that the roof of the building has fallen more and puts the health of workers “at risk”. During the execution of the repair works, the information pickets have been ensuring compliance with the security measures of the staff of the subcontracted companies.

On the other hand, the unions state that the Labor and Social Security Inspectorate has come to the work center on December 22 to analyze the complaint filed by LAB and ELA. This complaint has been filed by the trade unions for violating the right to strike.

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