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LAB claims that it is not enough to raise the interprofessional minimum wage by 5%

  • The union calls on the Basque Government to take an “active role” in boosting the CAV’s minimum wage.

15 January 2024 - 13:04
Last updated: 17:17

The vicelehendakari of the Basque Government and Minister for Labor Employment, Idoia Mendia, applauded the Spanish Government to increase the Minimum Interprofessional Wage by 5%, noting that “it is very good for the Basque Country”. In Radio Euskadi he has pointed out the benefits of the measure, and has stressed that it is good for uninsured people, women and young people. It also stresses the possibility of improving by agreement between Basque employers' associations and trade unions.

The LAB union makes a critical reading of the rise and says that 5% of the SMI does not "meet" the needs of Euskal Herria: “Although the increase is positive, this minimum wage does not guarantee a decent life in today’s reality, which is clearly insufficient. Needless to say, the socioeconomic reality of Hego Euskal Herria, which is far from our daily life from the minimum wage that they want us to impose from Madrid today. Inevitably, the plural reality of the Spanish State should also be reflected in the framework of the minimum wage.”

Mendia pointed out that the growth of the SMI could destroy jobs as a “myth”, with growth of 47% in five years, together with employment growth and contributions. He stressed that these results are a result of protective measures in the difficult times of government and labor reform in force since 2022.

LAB requirements

LAB calls on the Basque Government to work for a minimum wage that reflects the situation of Hego Euskal Herria, and stresses that the union will continue to work “passionately” for this: “We call on the Basque Government, and in particular the Second Vice-President and Minister for Employment and Employment, Idoia Mendia, to take an active role in boosting the minimum wage at CAPV level.”

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