Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

At school, students and parents have decided to continue learning bilingual

  • In the Northern Basque Country, in the First Division, 5,700 students study Basque and French. There are 1,600 students at school who choose this option. The Department of Atlantic Pyrenees, the French Ministry of Education and the Euskera Public Entity have launched a communication campaign The challenge of the future in Basque.
Kanpainaren aurkezpena. Argazkia: Euskal Irratiak.

11 December 2023 - 11:26

They want to convince students and parents to choose the bilingual linguistic model after the First Year, once in school. From one course to another, many students do not choose to continue in the bilingual model. There are options. Fifteen of the eighteen schools in the Northern Basque Country propose the bilingual option.

Marie Delpech is an educational inspector who has told the Basque Radios that students and parents have concerns and fears to continue their studies in bilingual education: “It is true that when the teachings are proposed in Euskera and the families are not Euskaldunes, this fear arises. The campaign has been carried out, precisely, to respond to the concerns: how to help the child go to school, give homework or make sure that the child will have a positive school trajectory even if he is still in Basque”.

During the campaign, three videos and a leaflet will be used in paper and networking. Students and parents will be asked to choose or continue to make their choice in favor of the Basque in these supports. In addition to the message, they will have a lot of information about bilingual education. In any case, Delpeche has pointed out to the Basque Radios an obstacle to the development of the bilingual model. Nowadays many professors are not vasco-speakers, so they cannot offer teaching in Basque. The situation has been described by Inspector Marie Delpech as: “It is not for the moment that a teacher wants to train in Euskera or it is not that they will retire, so in these centers they cannot outline these places. But from National Education there is a rapid will to go there.”

The Official College of the Basque Country approves the promotion of bilingual childcare facilities received the meeting of the council of elected officials on 9 December. The political group Bil Gaiten has tabled an amendment with 164 votes in favour. 24 abstentions and four votes against. Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, representative of the Bil Gaiten group, proposed “to generalize the labelization of childcare facilities” to “promote a bilingual and submerged reception of children in Basque and Gas Country”.

Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, a member of the political group Bil Gaiten, speaks on the screen. Photo: Basque Radio.


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