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Copper basket

Justin Trudeau, Kanadako lehen ministroa / Argazkia: Europako Parlamentua

25 September 2023 - 09:11
Last updated: 11:33

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a self-esteem character, but he seems to be learning – he is wise the donkey, he has the cane – that major Asian leagues require experience and, above all, prudence. A lot. However, Mr Trudeau may not fully understand what he is doing.

The poor Balin Xi gave him ran when, after a conversation, he went to sell his version to his favorite media. This misunderstanding that their public relations and government obligations are not one thing and not the same has now put in a much more naughty trance, with the other great Asian power.

He put his hand in the copper basket. The confrontation with India/Bhara is part of a murder. On the afternoon of June 18, a Capuchin couple shot the independence militant Hardeep Singh Nijjar sikha (“dissident” for many Western media, “terrorist” for the Indian government) in the Surrey of Canadian British Columbia. As it could be assumed that their performance should be pro-independence, it was not necessary to be particularly rapid in judging the Indian intelligence service which is seriously operating under the name of low RAW.

The fact that the deceased, like hundreds of thousands of other Sikhs, was born and raised in India, had a Canadian nationality who was, of course, imposing special obligations on the Trudeau government. However, when the crisis broke out last week, it can be seen that Trudeau was very cautious with his letters.

It is clear that the Canadian authorities were already aware of their intention to murder before it happened, notified by the espionage consortium “Five Eyes”. The origin of knowledge would certainly be the espionage that EE.UU. also makes communications from embassies and external services in India.

And from there would derive Trudeau's most obvious recklessness. At the G-20 in New Delhi, Modi, alone, when he asked him to account because he sent him to blow the wind, or (you have to be a little naive to Modi on this issue), the issue Trudeau posted last week to the Canadian parliament along with the expulsion of a “diplomatic” Indian. Obviously, in the absence of any surprise effect, India maintained the channelling immediately and launched five more tightening visa policy. And without urging to repent, Modi's government becomes aggressive. Canada is the refuge of terrorists.

The question of the United States that has been caught in the middle of the conflict must be the consequences of all this in an alliance like Indo-Pacific, which has a name but which is so ...



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