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Gipuzkoa Medical College calls for measures to achieve a “quality system”

  • The College expresses its concern about the situation of Primary Care in the CAPV and the working conditions of the professionals, emphasizing the need to reorganize the system. It urges the Basque Government to take action in three areas: self-management of the agenda, horizontal management and working with the population.

13 April 2023 - 11:16
Last updated: 15:33

The College of Physicians of Gipuzkoa noted in a note on Wednesday, Primary Care Day, that measures are needed to achieve a “quality system” that meets the needs of professionals and patients with the situation of Primary Care in both Gipuzkoa and the CAPV as a whole.

The College has expressed concern about the working conditions of professionals and has denounced that many suffer “psychological distress”. To this end, it has called on health authorities to implement “stable measures” and to change the situation in which health centres are located “seriously endangering our public health system, quality care and patient safety”. It stresses that the measures taken must be aimed at solving the problems on which they are based and that “being sustainable over time is essential”.

The College has also confirmed that two months ago it sent the Health Advisor, the Director-General of Osakidetza and the Director of Health Planning, Management and Evaluation the Primary Care proposal document, but has not received a reply.

The College calls for action from the Basque Government

The Medical Association of Gipuzkoa calls for action in all three areas in the document submitted to the Basque Government.

On the one hand, it asks that the number of actions be limited and/or the time of each task be respected in order to organize the autonomy of each Agenda and Leukemia Unit. It also underlines the need for more effective internal communication for horizontal management. To do this, he has called for the creation of an area of knowledge of Leukemia at the University and the medical professional has indicated that they should be treated more closely, including the harbings of their discomfort. Finally, they ask that professionals be heard and that appropriate measures be taken to resolve the boredom, fatigue and demotivation perceived in the work activity.

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