BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Government to contribute €1,642 million to UPV/EHU, Deusto and Mondragon universities until 2026

  • The Basque Government has presented the University System Plan for the period 2023-2026. It provides for an investment of EUR 2,246.2 million, of which EUR 1,642.4 million will be directly contributed by the government: 1.569.7 million to the UPV/EHU, 40.2 to Deusto and 32.4 to Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
Planaren aurkezpena, Jaurlaritzako eta EHU, Deustu eta Mondragon unibertsitateetako ordezkariekin. Argazkia:

Funding from private universities is growing year after year. The government will contribute EUR 231 million more than the previous plan, 16% more. The UPV/EHU will also invest 16% more than the previous plan, private university of Deusto 23% more and private Mondragon Unibertsitatea 15% more.

In addition to the government's direct contribution, the administration provides for an additional EUR 603.8 million for universities, "through competitive public funding, contracted income, international funding and universities' own resources".

The plan presented is structured in three main axes:

On the one hand, “the impulse of the relationship University+Enterprise and University-Society as a driving force to guide the efforts of the universities towards the progress and social transformation of the Basque Country and to respond to the needs of the Basque Country”; on the other, “the contextualization and consolidation of the Basque University System in the global science of excellence”; and, finally, the so-called Basque Country: “This process extends to all university missions and also promotes the relationship of our society with other societies through the university system.” Along with them, the new Plan consists of the axes of Innovative and Quality Teaching and Inclusive and Egalitarian University Community, highlighting two transversal axes: Digitization and Social Impact.

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