Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Watch the Bertsolaris Xilaba Championship live by teams

  • On 22 September the Bertsolaris Team Championship began and will end on Saturday 18 in Aiherre. The final, starting at 17:00, will have two teams: Irantzu Idoate, Ortzi Idoate and Nahia Sasco in the Hazpark group, and Irati Alcantarilla, Haize Lekuona, Ibai Lekuona and Miren Artetxe Muttikoak.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

18 November 2023 - 12:13
Last updated: 09:31

At the 2023 Xilaba Team Bertsolaris Championship, 39 bertsolaris have operated in nine groups. In Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, sessions have been held in which two teams have made progress towards the end of Aiherre.

Kanaldude will continue with the performance of Kristof Arotzarena and the announcer Marga Berra Zubieta, who you can see live here.


Urriaren 7az geroztik, 142 kazetari hil ditu Israelek Gazan: bi egunero kazetari bat

Gerra garaian zentsurak eta propagandak berebiziko lekua hartzen dutela jakina da, eta horren froga bat gehiago dugu Israelek Gazan bideraturikoa. Hala ere, prentsa askatasunaren alde dabiltzan egiturak izugarri kezkaturik dira: ez da munduan eta historian zehar beste gatazkarik... [+]

2024-05-17 | ARGIA
March to the Zubieta Incinerator on Saturday from Lasarte
On Saturday, 18 May, the Anti-Incinerator Movement (EAM) organised a march against the Zubieta Incinerator. Departure from Lasarte-Oria, Okendo Square at 11:00 hours.

2024-05-17 | Gedar
Argentinarren ia %60 daude pobrezia-atalasearen azpitik

Azken hiru hilabeteetan %8 igo da tasa: 3,5 milioi pertsona gehiago daude pobreziaren mugaren azpitik. Mileiren neurriak txalotu ditu Nazioarteko Diru Funtsak, langileen pobretzea handitzen den bitartean.

2024-05-17 | Sustatu
Government advertising expenditure 2023 on the practical website
In 2023 the Spanish programmer Jaime Gómez-Obregon opened the tool to explain in an understandable way the data of the advertising campaigns carried out by the Basque Government, for the period 2018-2022. You have now processed last year's data and you... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude