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Until the next

27 May 2024 - 07:09
Last updated: 2024-05-29 13:32:40
Argazkia: Thomasrost, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

I love more than writing. Very little. So the opportunity I was given to write weekly at ARGIA during this course was a gift to me. I've been making a little list for years to write texts. I feel like a kid when I look at my agenda, because I think of it as the treasures that children have. I include in the list, as in a box, the precious stones I find in the streets, in the roads, in the readings, the sticks, the strollers, the balls jumping, the colored papelites, the glowing... Like those are my treasures, but in the form of words, and that's why I keep them written on paper, on mobile notes, or between books of my messy work.

I stayed like when they asked a child to open the suitcase of their treasures when the ARGIA guys proposed to write me weekly. I smiled and opened the briefcase and gradually taught my pebble, sticks of different sizes... and I told you all I knew about them. Don't believe then that they've all been mere things, I've tried to explain how I see the world, I've wanted to give examples, share how I want to make history. Over these months I have wanted to tell you, above all, and in short, that for me the history of minority peoples in Europe is about to be done and that we have to do so, because our point of view is fundamental to building a beautiful world. Moreover, I also wanted to say that Vitoria is a very suitable place, with perfect coordinates to carry out our work.

The history of minority peoples in Europe is about to be done and we have to do so, because our perspective is fundamental to building a beautiful world.

But now I end the treasures I had in my suitcase. I have also learned how difficult it is to keep the commitment to write every week. To this must be added that I do not master the language so well, and my texts need, for example, more corrections than normal ... I am admired every week by friends who are able to write articles and columns, and I think those who manage to write something that is interesting every day are doing a miracle.

For the time being, I cannot go on because I have run out of weekly writing material. We still see each other in ARGIA, or elsewhere, but I'm not going to repeat a column every week. A little against my will because I've realized I need more time to offer something worthy.

And that's what I wanted to tell you today. And so two more things to say:

Thank you very much to anyone who proposed to write here.

Thank you very much to those of you who have read my little things.

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