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The mother of the police infiltrated in Girona also participated in the assembly

  • The militant of the popular movements who built sentimental relationships with the infiltrate reports his treatment with his mother. He denounces that he was also part of the theater based on emotions and feelings.
Espainiako Polizia infiltratuaren eta bere amaren irudia / Argazkia: La Directa

20 July 2023 - 08:38
Last updated: 11:24

The mother of the Spanish police infiltrated in the movements and agents of Girona also participated in a strategy based on emotions and feelings. La Direct publishes on Thursday and explains that the infiltrate's mother played an important role throughout the process, knowing the militant and living with him a relationship "with great emotion". According to the environment, it is the first time it is known that the family of an infiltrate participates in the police strategy.

“Mary can’t be infiltrated, I know her mother and I’ve been at her home,” said the militant when she learned that her former partner is the Spanish Police. When he met the mother of the infiltrate, he received him with an “open arm” and told him that he was confident in knowing that he would live with his daughter.

The relatives of the militant receive the news with surprise and remember a call between them: “He called him for whatsapp and started singing the songs ‘Crazy for you’ and ‘La Habanera’ with a gossip mother in hand to celebrate the militant’s birthday,” they explain.

The true thought of the mother

Her mother posted on her Facebook account several insults against Catalans and independentists. On 1 October 2017 he tried some ideas politically. For example, he named the members of the CUP political party as “traitors of the homeland” or “mushrooms.” In addition, he published several photographs calling the dictatorship a Nazi runway the independence movement. Today it has removed all its content.

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