Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Red Force members are investigated for serious injuries, criminal group and hate crimes

  • The 61 members of the Red Force arrested on Wednesday have been released by the Investigation Court No. 4 in Pamplona, on provisional release and without any precautionary measures.

08 March 2024 - 13:40

The detainees have not made any statement before the judge and the judge gives them the number 7 of Seville. The causes of his investigation in the judicial proceedings initiated by the Examining Judge are serious injuries, membership of the criminal group, hate crime and mass confrontation.

In addition to the arrests of the Red Force, the Spanish Police has arrested 23 people from the United Family group in Seville and Madrid. The judge in Seville prohibits the latter from going to the football fields, but the judge in Pamplona has not taken any precautionary measures against the detainees in Navarra.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, on 9 October the detainees took part in the clashes that took place in Seville between the fans of the two teams in the Betis-Osasuna party.

The Spanish Professional Football League has also announced its participation as an indictment in this matter. The detainees in Navarre have been declared before the Provincial Court of Navarra, but Instruction 7 of Seville. Since the procedure has been opened by the examining magistrate, the proceedings opened in Navarre will surely be closed and the proceedings in Seville will continue.

During the arrest and declaration, members of the Red Force protested on the back of the Pamplona Territorial Court. They call for the freedom of detainees and announce that they will continue to "fight fascism".

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