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Neighborhood solidarity in Vitoria-Gasteiz moves to the center of the festivities

  • As every year, the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz will host from 26 June to 2 July over a hundred activities. Music, cinema, sport, theatre, dance, talks and children's activities will fill the streets of the neighborhood.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 4.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

27 June 2023 - 07:14

The neighbors and neighbors of the Casco Viejo and the collectives, shops and bars of the neighborhood have given the best of themselves, so that this year can offer varied and varied programming. As usual, the program is divided into eight blocks, which include about 100 activities throughout the week: sport, theatre, conferences – Speech and Interaction, workshops, music, children and cinema.

Among other things, they will denounce the police abuse recently suffered by the neighborhood and transfer the neighborhood solidarity to the center of the festivities: The police won't take care of me, the neighbors will agree on this year's motto, and the poster goes in the same line, reflecting the neighborhood through the 8-bit video game gallery.

Between the usual dates, on Monday, June 26 at 18:30, txupin and VTuristic pasacalles; on Wednesday, June 28, manifestation of LGTBIQ+ Pride Day; on Saturday, July 1, do not give you the Tour! game, self-managed food on Barrenkale street and guateque in the Gaztetxe; and on Sunday, after the craft fair and various concerts and pintxos, a destxupina will be held to end the parties.

As for the musical offer, throughout the week there will be pintxos and concerts such as Iker Piris Trio, Bihotza, The Broater, Jon Basaguren, Cube, Traumreise, Old Time Spooks, Chucky Killers, The Big Band Berri, Arima Worsound Decor, Moni Gaband,


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