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Renew the theater web in Basque de

  • The Susa editorial and the association of EHAZE theatre enthusiasts created the Ganbila project in 2019. It will have a new dimension thanks to the three new paragraphs.
'Esnearen kolorekoa' antzezlana. / Argazkia: Tanttaka teatroa

12 March 2024 - 10:50
Last updated: 12:57

The Ganbila project was created in 2019 for the publication of theatrical works in Euskera, and in 2022 the web was created with the aim of collecting the most complete documentation about the theater.

In the presentation of the new sections, Maite Aizpurua, representative of EHZAE, pointed out that in the section of the collection have published 23 books, 167 plays, 1054 articles, 43 plays, 87 teaser and trailers and 4 fragments of theatrical works.

Oier Guilla, member of EHAZE and Susa, explained the new sections. Premieres offers a list of theaters premiered in Basque. “The idea is to go further and further back with time, completing the story, which was a job I had not done so far,” Guillane explains.

The second part is the author in which the works in which each author has participated and his work are listed alphabetically.

The third innovation is the Companies section. As with the actors, they have created a directory of companies, with a list of theatre plays created and/or in which they have participated, and with links to the articles published on them.

Guillane has pointed out that the theatre sector in Euskera has claimed for many years the need for a documentation centre, “what has not been achieved so far and, in this case, what we have started doing digitally”.

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