BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

29 May 2023 - 10:33
Last updated: 2023-05-31 06:40:34

I join the adrenaline offered by the election campaigns and nights whenever there is opportunity. To the controlled adventure the system offers me. To all the elections held in us, however, I called them “self-esteem exercises of the PNV”, with little grace, also in our elections, which always end up the same. “Why have I rebelieved.” This year I also prepared for it. A headline coming to resurrect the echo of a shot committed an intrigue.

Well, I had to focus somewhere else, depending on public television, for example, our public television. The ability of the candidates to make the electoral debates up to the level that we deserve those of us who want to see in Basque, those in each language. The remains found in Vitoria showed signs of violence.

And suddenly no, as soon as you start to see the polls, the canvases start, and with some friend the comment “they will not forgive us the torture of hope,” “then everything will stay the same.” Orio's was 50 years old. But this time not, the PNV is suddenly not immobile, something has changed, we felt a blow of joy. 32 from Vitoria and a three-year-old boy spend hours with his dead mother.

My joys, like the tangos, last little, are always on the eve of the tragedy. We are not independent, and although we have only looked at Spain dressed in blue at the last moment, it can engulf us soon. Maybe things have changed less than I thought. And Spain looks at us for the smile of Ayuso, called the reconquest of Vox. And we've finished the night without being able to breathe, almost a fear. Two of us have been killed.

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