BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Basque cultural activity and mayors denounce the "reactionary wave and Euskarafoba" against the Basque Country

  • They appear in Bilbao convened by the Council of Euskalgintza to denounce the judgment of the Spanish Constitutional Court against the Municipal Law of the Basque Country. Mayors, elected municipal officials and representatives of the Basque industry in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa have met, denouncing the "aggression" against the Basque people.
Alkateek agerraldia egin dute. Kontseiua

13 July 2023 - 12:45
Last updated: 14:56

Dozens of mayors, elected municipal officials and representatives of the Basque sector have met in Bilbao to denounce the attacks on Euskera. The judgment against the Euskaldunization of the administration of Erandio, the ruling against the call for employment of the Uliazpi Foundation, the impossibility for the City of Barakaldo to put Euskera profiles to private companies, that of the agents of Irun and the cases of Llodio to demonstrate that what is happening is “judicial aggression”.

Compassionate people are concerned about the situation: “Although media and political manifestations of this aggression have long been known, in recent times they have been consolidated, especially in the judicial sphere.” They say that a "reactionary, reactionary and Euskarafoba wave" is taking place, which aims to curb the process of normalization of the Basque Country and cause setbacks along the way.

Basque Municipal Law

They denounce that the ruling against the Municipal Law of the Basque Country is the result of the appeal brought by the Vox party that has no municipal representation. As a result of this appeal, the Administrative Disputes Chamber of the Court of Justice of the Basque Country requested the Spanish Constitutional Court to rule on the constitutionality of the law. They add that the law allowing local authorities to carry out their activity in Basque (Article 6.2) was adopted with a broader consensus than the 1982 Basque Law.


Call for mobilization

The Council talks about prioritizing social mobilization: “It is up to the social partners to show our disagreement on the street. It is time to take a step forward, to put the issue of Euskera at the centre and to interact, because judicial decisions can cause great setbacks.”

The Council therefore invites the agents and individuals defending the Basque people and the linguistic rights of all citizens to participate in the demonstration to be held on 4 November in Bilbao. The demonstration aims to denounce, among others, that thousands of citizens are in conflict with the habitability, equality, justice and social cohesion of their lives.

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