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Stress window, leaf

  • It is said to have windows. Their leaves are perforated and these are called windows. It is called “fenestrate” from the Latin fenestra (“window”). The English call it “perforated leaf”, the Catalans fulla fenestrada. In Basque dictionaries I have not found any reference or information about it, and with the bold lacicada I myself must propose the name: leaf or leaf with windows. They will not deny me that the leaf offers us a window other than to say that it has a hole, that it is no more beautiful!

25 September 2023 - 04:32
Last updated: 06:35
Zergatik dituzte hostoetan zulo edo leiho modukoak zeriman landareek? Argazkia: Dani Blanco.

If there is more than one plant with ventanous leaves, very few. The best known is the one with two names in Basque: The rib of Adam or in the cerima (Monstera delicious).

It is a powerful trepator that can spread and spread spectacularly through the logs and branches of other plants. It comes from tropical forests and lives under giant trees. When it is Tiki has whole, cardiac leaves; as they elongate, the leaves are cleared with large cuts, hence the name of Adam's sayetsa; and when the plant is large, giant leaves, up to a meter in diameter, with very deep cracks and leaves windows. This leaf change is known as heteroblastia. These windows of leaves are clean holes, something more or less large, and they've looked for the cause of this scarce condition in plants.

Some said they were to protect themselves from the windshields, like the hole in the banners. Others, which serve to regulate the temperature, communicating one side of the sheet. Another said that through these holes the water can more easily reach the root of the plant, thinking that if the leaves were whole it would slip and go away. There are even those who say that leaf camouflage is a tactic to undo their image and not to be so obvious to the great herbivores.

This is what Cristopher Muir of the University of Indiana says. In his article, published in the journal The American Naturalist, he explained the result of his research on the cause of the foliar windows of the Saharawi of Adam, which suggests that the foliar windows or foliar fenestrations are an evolutionary adaptation to the most decisive factor of the wooded area in which the plant lives, the lack of light. It goes like this. “In the shadows of the interior of the forest, plants depend, for photosynthesis, on unforeseen bright light, the so-called ‘few solar rays’. For example, a wind burst or an animal in the forest sky or in the canopy can break a branch or pour a tree and create a provisional opening in the vegetation cover and introduce light.” Muir, using mathematical models, measured that with these windows the plant had wider leaves with the same number of cells, and that the light that was caught and passed through the window was used by the lower leaf. This provides a more regular light supply, improving survival and reducing stress.

Are you stressed? Won't you have a few windows on the walls of your life?

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