BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They call several protests to denounce the police burdens of Tolosa

  • A 16-year-old Billabonese boy is seriously injured around the eye after the Ertzaintza load in Tolosa on Sunday night. The Tolosaldea Portal reports that he was granted a punch.
Ertzaintzak pilotak tiro egin zituen Tolosan.

12 February 2024 - 17:23
Last updated: 2024-02-13 10:29:52

To denounce the police charges in Tolosa, Sare Amasa-Villabona will celebrate today, 13, at 19:00 pm at Plaza Verdura de Villabona. Moreover, the Socialist Council of Tolosaldea convened a demonstration at 18:00 from Triangulo Square.

During the Carnival of Tolosa there were several clashes. In one of them, the Ertzaintza has used riot control material and the Portal de Tolosa reports that he has injured a young man. Naiz announces that he is a young 16-year-old Billabonese.

The mayor of Tolosa, Andu Martínez de Rituerto, has pointed out on social networks: "I have just learned that a burden of the Ertzaintza has been placed on the Old Town and that at least one young man is seriously injured after receiving a punch. We ask for clarification as the area was crowded. We hope the wounded youth will heal quickly."

The Ertzaintza states that as a preventive measure it will initiate an ex officio investigation. In addition, a doctor from the relevant court is asked to assess the young person hospitalized and determine the cause of the injury. At the same time, the Ertzaintza has initiated an internal investigation.

The Socialist Council in Tolosaldea has uploaded this video to the networks.


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