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More expensive life without cuts: electricity, gas, municipal taxes and highways

  • In Hego Euskal Herria, only one beneficial measure currently in force will continue to apply, at least until June: not paying VAT on basic food.

02 January 2024 - 10:13
Last updated: 12:20

With the new year, the institutions have reviewed their taxes and measures. We will analyze point by point the impact it will have on the pockets of the citizens of Hego Euskal Herria.

Electricity and gas

Next week, the Spanish State's positive measure on VAT on electricity and gas will expire on 11 January. Electricity will rise from 5% to 10%, reaching 21% by June 2021. Gas VAT will gradually increase from 10% to 21% until April.

Municipal taxes

Every city government has reviewed its taxes. Among the capitals, what is missing to do the tasks is Pamplona. On the occasion of the motion of censure, Cristina Ibarrola suspended the full approval of municipal taxes for next year, and suggested to the new mayor that it should adopt such agreements.

Vitoria-Gasteiz will be the only capital that will not raise taxes because, although the municipal government proposed an increase of 3%, it has not obtained sufficient support to approve the measure. Among the capitals, San Sebastian is the city that has increased its taxes most: water, sanitation, garbage and OTA have increased by 5%, and the Real Estate Tax and the Vehicle Tax by 4%. In Bilbao, for its part, all rates have increased by 3%.

In Bizkaia the price of water is rising. By decision of the Water Consortium, the rate has increased by 9%.

All highways are more expensive

On 1 January, the increases on all motorways have begun to be implemented. Each has increased its rate by 5% and 6.65%.

For example, the toll on the Vitoria/Gasteiz-Bilbao motorway has increased by 25 cents to EUR 6.5.


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