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The Ikastola de Beskoitz extends its use authorization until 2025

  • The majority of the town council has shown itself in favour of renting the land to ikastola another year, and then the jury has resigned. The village house remains to present a new covenant to the parents of the ikastola and to Seaska.
Beskoitzeko herriko kontseiluaren gehiengoak lurrak alokatzen jarraitzearen alde bozkatu du eta auzapezak dimisioa aurkeztu. / Argazkia: Euskal Irratiak.

19 March 2024 - 10:49

The ikastola labortana de Beskoitz was in question where he was going to take the next course, as on 18 December Fabienne Aiensa informed them that on 6 July they would have to leave the grounds by decision of the local council. However, on Monday, the majority of the local council decided to extend the rental permit for one year.

Twelve elects are in favour of a new convention, four against and one against. Therefore, the parents of the ikastola de Beskoitz expect a proposal to continue renting land until July 2025. They report that Monday's decision has been the result of meetings held with several voters in recent weeks. It remains to be seen what the conditions of the agreement are and what will happen to students from 2025 onwards.

After announcing the resolution of the agreement with the ikastola of Beskoitz, Fabienne Aiensa has announced his resignation to the prefect of the Atlantic Pyrenees. He has underlined the unpleasant atmosphere he has aroused in the village in connection with the Ikastola conflict in Beskoitz, and explained that in recent weeks he has suffered “insults and threats” and has decided, among other things, to resign due to health problems. He had been on trial for eighteen years.

Now, the prefecture will have to set the election date to elect a new candidate. The conflict in the village house with the ikastola de Beskoitz has caused three other elected officials to resign in recent months, as Berria recalled.

Construction project of a new building

The ikastola de Beskoitz presented in 2013 to the Seaskak Consistorial House a solid construction project, currently prefabricated on land rented to the village house. All requests from Seaska were told no, and the prefabricated ones were removed and made it impossible to build a new building. Seaska agents have requested to take advantage of vacant rooms in the village, eat in the town hall, park in public parking or rent the land of a private owner. Everything has been rejected by the village house and they were ordered to leave those grounds. Various circumstances, following the protest and the meeting, have been allowed to continue in the prefabricated one more year.

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