BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Amagoia Mujika replaces Martxelo Otamendi in the direction of the 'Berria' newspaper

  • Otamendi has been director of Euskaldunon Egunkaria and Berria for 30 years and will retire at age 65. Mujika has been a journalist for both media since 1995 and has been a deputy director in recent years.

05 June 2023 - 10:37
Last updated: 14:54
Amagoia Mujika Tolaretxipi 1995etik izan da 'Euskaldunon Egunkaria' eta 'Berria'ko erredakzioko kidea. Argazkia: Berria.

On 1 July there will be a change in the direction of the newspaper Berria, a year when the media is twenty years old. Martxelo Otamendi leaves the position of director to retire. His absence will be borne by Amagoia Mujika Tolaretxipi, current deputy director. Mujika began in 1995 in the Euskaldunon Egunkaria, when it was firmly closed, he continued in Egunkaria, and in Berria’s writing he has worked from the beginning in different departments and positions, he is currently deputy director.

The meeting of shareholders of the Berria Group was held on Friday, where the news was made public. Otamendi has been director for 30 years, first in the Euskaldunon Egunkaria newspaper and then in the Berria newspaper. It will now become a member of the Management Board. The meeting stressed the importance of the working group, and Otamendi and Mujika reaffirmed that the adoption of the motto is easier with this working group.

Mujika says the new responsibility will be the “challenge” and announces new changes for the fall: “The news will be updated in order to count, analyze and help understand this complex period. This effort will be noticed in both digital and print editions.” They consolidate digitalization and announce design changes. They mention the “digital leap” and stress that the current challenge is the process of becoming a “modern journal”.

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