BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They present the berbategia, the treasury of the dialects

  • Driven by the Euskalkien Lagunak working group and the Iberba advisory service, the Berbategia was presented on Friday in the Bilbao Stock Exchange. “Berbategia is a dictionary designed to collect the treasure of the dialects and intended to be made in auzolan,” they explain.

26 June 2023 - 12:28
Last updated: 2023-06-27 15:15:04
Iñaki Gaminde, Juan Martin Elexpuru, Koldo Diegez, Angel Larrea eta Patxi Alaña, proiektuaren koordinatzailea. Argazkia: Raul Bogajo, FOKU.

The objective of the drivers of Berbategia is to offer an infrastructure not to lose the rich Basque people. They say that the Basque people have not been given "any kind of support", and they have done so in order not to lose and expand their wealth.

They want it to be an appropriate tool for researchers, among other things when making their work known.

At the moment, Basque dictionaries have been received in Berbategia from 23 localities and counties, of which four were authors. Iñaki Gaminde, Juan Martín Elexpuru, Kepa Diegez and Angel Larrea. The project coordinator is Patxi Alaña.



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