BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Salvatierra City Hall rejects placing the tent on the Gazte Eguna

  • During these days they have concentrated and mobilised throughout the week for the City Hall to reconsider the decision.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 4.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 May 2023 - 08:10
Argazkia: Latsarri Gaztetxea

Dozens of young people, convened by the Assembly of the Gaztetxe Latsarri of Agurain, concentrated on Monday afternoon to denounce the City Hall’s refusal to place a tent in the Gazte Eguna. This Saturday, May 20, the Gazte Eguna is celebrated with a wide offer for the whole town. In view of the weather forecast, the City Hall was asked to place the tent of the town in the plaza, but the City Hall denied them because ‘they have to hire a private company to assemble the tent’.

Two weeks after the Gazte Eguna will be held on Girl's Day and Blouse in Agurain, in the same place, and last Thursday the Latsarri Gaztetxe Assembly and the Girls and Bluses Board made a joint request for the tent to be installed and maintained for two weeks to be used during these two days. They denounce that the City Council’s response was once again negative, ‘without the least effort to negotiate anything’, according to the assembly.

Latsarri Gaztetxe considers the City Hall’s position unacceptable and asks the City Hall to “reconsider” the decision taken. They have also organised different mobilisations to denounce the situation and called on the aguraindarras to participate under the slogan ‘Gazteok blai, Udala Jai!’. On Monday a concentration was held in the Portal del Rey and on Tuesday a camp in Plaza San Juan from 18:00 pm. They have also called a demonstration for Wednesday from Santa Maria, at 7 p.m.

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