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The French police shot a child in Nanter and the incidents erupt

  • On Tuesday, police killed a young man shot after escaping control in his car. It has sparked protests on the same day and arrested at least 31 people.

28 June 2023 - 10:37
Last updated: 13:04

Naël, a 17-year-old, is shot dead by police on Tuesday in Nanter, on the outskirts of Paris. A citizen records the video event and opens quickly. They try to escape control and kill him shot. Mediaparte accuses the police of being arrested on charges of murder.

According to the police attack, the young man shot for trying to run over the police, while the videos that have spread hours later have been refuted. As can be seen, the police threaten weapons in their hand and fire when the young man leaves.

The video that received the time of the event is as follows:


Many immediate protests

Protests are spreading throughout the French state, causing disturbances between police and protesters. At least 31 people have been arrested on Tuesday night. The young person's relatives state that they will make two complaints, one for murder and the other for the dissemination of the story falso.Desde the social networks are spreading the demonstrations of June 30, organized in different cities and towns.

Below are several videos of the incidents: 97/status/1673984162959695872?s=20

Police abuse

The French police have conducted several cases of appearances, including two young people killed in 2005. The police killed two young people who fled the police and shot themselves throughout the state. The case is known because over 8,000 cars were burned by protesters and 2,750 neighbors were arrested.

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