BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

French Senate votes for the constitutional inclusion of "freedom of abortion"

  • 267 senators voted in favour and 50 against. In favour of the French Parliament and the Senate, the vote of the Congress that brings together the two Chambers is inadequate: it will be held on 4 March and in principle the vote in favour should prevail.

29 February 2024 - 10:55
Last updated: 12:04

"At the time of starting this work, everyone who told us that it was not going to be possible for us. (…) When reactionary voices are gaining strength, we have opened the way: other women from European countries are sure to start similar struggles." These are the words of Environmental Senator Mélanie Vogel, in charge of carrying the bill, which was published after the vote on 28 February. 267 senators voted in favour of the "freedom of abortion" Constitution and against 50, less than expected. All Basque senators, Max Brisson, Frederique Espagnac and Denise Saint-Pé, voted in favour. Previously, on 30 January the text passed through Parliament and was voted in favour by 493 Members, while the 30 extreme right and right did so against.

Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti described the vote as "historic". A final vote is still missing: on 4 March the senators and the Members will vote together and the votes of three of the five, 555 parliamentarians will have to be obtained. In principle, a favourable vote should prevail, as 760 have been placed in the first votes. Thus, the French State would be the first country in the world to constitutionally guarantee freedom of abortion.

Feminist collectives have applauded the vote. The Women's Foundation has pointed out, inter alia: "In addition to the collective triumph of feminist associations, this vote is a quick signal sent to the women of the world." Family planning for the right to abortion and freedom has also been welcomed:



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