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Looking at the good data from August

Empleo Gune Gasteizen. Argazkia: Gasteizko Udala
Empleo Gune Gasteizen. Argazkia: Gasteizko Udala

Despite the increase in the unemployed population in August, data are not bad in the words of governments and administrations, taking into account year-round data. Maybe. The employer joins this study. But once we start to look up, what we see is something else.

No reference is made to social security data. When it goes up, they claim aloud, but when it goes down significantly, that data is hidden. In the Spanish state as a whole, more than 200,000 workers have been dismissed from the labour market in August, mostly in the services sector, but also a couple thousand in the industry. Jobs have been destroyed, created in many cases for the seasonal period, but not always; and again, the majority of the excluded are women. Outside the labour market, if we look at unemployment, there is no justification for the good assessments made. Half do not receive benefits, the long-term group is not reduced, the unemployed with periodic contracts do not compute... We could go on dismantling official speeches with the data, but, as you know, being right is not enough to fly.

The labour market has long ceased to ensure a dignified life, and today is not offered. Defending purchasing power, having indefinite contracts under decent conditions… these changes are fundamental, the Basque trade unions will continue to fight at their workplace, as they have announced. But what you have to change is the labor market to actually flip the picture. There's the jump. If we are right, and also strong, what we need are tools to bring to mind the decisions, denied in 78, that we will not succeed in fulfilling the statutes.

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