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Grandma also dances this!

'N.T.E.R.' | Raimundo el canastero | 2023
'N.T.E.R.' | Raimundo el canastero | 2023

The message I want to send is that heaven is seen from hell." That's how the first song starts. Facing the supposed rebirth of Jesus of Nazareth, Raimundo El Canastero brings us for Easter his first long work: N.T.E.R. (Not All Is Rumba). The rumba, which started as a group, has become an amazing tasting party.

He had the group heard, but he had no smell. Asked to the friends of Navarra, Ibai Osinaga has briefly explained to me as a Chinese quote: They're from Estella, that explains everything.

I do not know everything, but it puts the debate right. Based on Navarre roots, the NTER mixes and develops sources from around the world. Eclytic porrusalda is surprisingly consistent. And most importantly, very funny. Another disk to laugh.

It's a group of friends, and as friends, this huge home-cooked disk has that freshness that you can't get otherwise. South bacillus, primic mio. Beltza, Senisa and Caete are the authors of this demonic artifact. And friends by broth. To cite caramels: Moises does not sleep, La Wera and Txeto.

We cannot summarize here all the precious stones that the album has: seven jumps with the famous motto 13.12 and the audios of the whatsapp groups that tear us off with the police controls; the triptic dream of Alaitz and Maider; the version of the song Alegria of living of Ray Heredia, in the hope of being a summer song; and the song Taketeo, with three parts (what is
In these pages we proposed the need for Basque futurism in the thread of Caliphate 3/4, and Raimundo el Canastero has put a bit of sand in that direction, contributing our palpable caliphate to the new cycle of Basque music in recent years.

The Basque Country is no longer what it was; the one that for years was a deep and dark well is already a prosperous river; from East to West, culture has a flow of fresh and renewed transformation. Let us see if these fast waters, beyond cultural creation, also permeate our minds and imaginaries.

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